Validity of the lists of candidates for the European Parliament Elections established
The list of candidates of the 'Vrouwen Partij' has been established as being invalid, as no proof was submitted of payment of the deposit of € 11,250 due. In addition, candidates T. Regan (United States), W.T. Kymlicka (Canada) and J.M. Coetzee (Australia) were deleted from the list of candidates of the 'Partij voor de Dieren', as these candidates' passports lacked a 'General Endorsement on Residence' sticker. Such was ruled by the Electoral Council, European Parliament Elections central electoral committee, during a public session on Monday, 14 April.

During this session, the Council ruled on the validity of the lists of candidates submitted for participation in the European Parliament Elections. In addition, the lists were numbered and the combined lists were decided upon.
Nomination of candidates took place on 9 April. In total, 20 lists of candidates were submitted. The Electoral Council identified omissions in 10 of the lists. The Parties concerned were given until Monday, 14 April at 3:00 p.m. to rectify the omissions. In some cases, the omission concerned the lack of so-called declarations of consent: the statements by the candidates that they consent to their being nominated as candidates on the list. In a few other cases, the required declaration of candidates stating they are not also nominated in another EU Member State was lacking.
Appeals against these decisions by the Electoral Council can be brought before the Council of State, Administrative Law Department, until 22 April.
Number of parties and candidates
The 19 valid lists (compared to 17 in 2009) in total list 345 candidates (289 in 2009). The P.v.d.A./European Socialists list has the highest number of candidates: 47. The list of the IQ, de Rechten-Plichten-Partij party has the lowest: 1. 240 of the candidates are men, 105 are women. In total, 23 of the listed candidates do not reside in the Netherlands.
List numbers
Those parties that secured one or more seats in the 2009 European Parliament Elections were allocated a number on the basis of the number of votes they obtained during those elections. This concerns 8 parties in total.
The list numbers of the other (11) parties were allocated by drawing lots.
Combined lists
Two valid combined lists were formed:
- CDA – European People's Party and ChristenUnie-SGP
- P.v.d.A./European Socialists and GROENLINKS.