Annual report 2016 Dutch Electoral Council

On 6 April 2016, the first advisory referendum was held pursuant to the Advisory Referendum Act (Wet raadgevend referendum). The vote was about the Act Approving the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (Wet tot goedkeuring van de Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en Oekraïne). On 23 November 2016, a municipal election was held regarding the redivision of the municipalities of Schijndel, Sint-Oedenrode, and Veghel. The Electoral Council issued nine recommendations in 2016. More about the activities of the Electoral Council in 2016 can be read in his annual report 2016.

The House of Representatives elections to be held on 15 March 2017 began casting their shadow in 2016. This was expressed in the high volume of requests to register party appellations and logos. The total number, 81 registered appellations, was a record. Never before in the past decades had so many appellations been registered for the elections to the House of Representatives.


The Electoral Council issued nine recommendations in 2016. One recommendation was given to the House of Representatives and pertained to a private member’s bill on experiments with electronic tools. Another recommendation, on tightening criminal prosecution of terrorism, was made to the Minister of Security and Justice. The other recommendations were addressed to the Minister of BZK.