Official results of the 2019 elections tot the European Parliament
On Thursday, 23 May, 5.497.813 of the 13.164.688 persons entitled to do so have cast their vote for the election of the Dutch Members of the European Parliament. The voter turnout for these elections (41,9%) was therefore slightly over that in 2014 (37.3%).

In total, 5.497.813 valid votes have been cast. 10.267 persons cast a blank vote (0,19%) and 11.696 (0,21%) votes were invalid. 603.386 voters (10.98%) had their vote cast by proxy. The number of votes needed to gain one seat is referred to as the electoral quota. This is calculated by dividing all the valid votes cast for candidates by 26, the total number of Dutch seats in the European Parliament. The electoral quota therefore is 5.497.813 : 26 = 211.4549/26.
Allocation of seats
The 26 seats are allocated as follows:
- Democraten 66 (D66) – ALDE: 2 (2014: 4)
- CDA – Europese Volkspartij: 4 (2014: 5)
- VVD: 4 (2014: 3)
- P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten: 6 (2014: 3)
- ChristenUnie – SGP: 2 (2014: 2)
- GROENLINKS: 3 (2014: 2)
- Partij voor de Dieren: 1 (2014: 1)
- 50PLUS: 1
- Forum voor Democratie: 3
The remaining participating parties did not gain a seat:
- PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid)
- SP (Socialistische Partij)
- De Groenen
- vandeRegio & Piratenpartij
- Volt Nederland
Allocation of residual seats
When the 26 seats were allocated among the 16 parties, each party was first allocated the number of "full seats". This number of seats equals the number of times the party met the electoral quota. In the initial allocation, 18 full seats were allocated. A remaining 8 residual seats had therefore to be allocated. 2 residual seats have been allocated to P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten. The other 6 residual seats went to VVD, CDA, Forum voor Democratie, GROENLINKS, D66 and ChristenUnie-SGP.
Allocation of three residual seats in connection with Brexit
Once the Brexit has actually taken place, the Electoral Council will determine the allocation of the three new seats among the parties and candidates in a new session.
A total of 308 candidates were included in the lists of the 16 parties that participated in the elections. The youngest candidate elected is Mrs Kim van Sparrentak, GROENLINKS, 29 years of age, while the oldest candidate elected is Mrs Annie Schreijer-Pierik, CDA-Europese Volkspartij, 66 years of age. On each list, the winning candidates for whom the number of preferential votes cast was above 10% of the electoral quota were declared to have been elected first. This is referred to as the preference threshold. The preference threshold was 21.145 votes. Thereafter, the remaining seats for the parties were allocated to candidates in the order in which they appeared on the list.
The following candidates are elected into the European Parliament. The candidates that have a * behind their name have passed the preference threshold:
- Sophie in 't Veld, Democraten 66 (D66) *
- Samira Rafaela, Democraten 66 (D66) *
- Esther de Lange, CDA - Europese Volkspartij*
- Annie Schreijer-Pierik, CDA - Europese Volkspartij*
- Jeroen Lenaers, CDA - Europese Volkspartij*
- Tom Berendsen, CDA – Europese Volkspartij*
- Malik Azmani, VVD*
- Caroline Nagtegaal - van Doorn, VVD*
- Jan Huitema, VVD*
- Liesje Schreinemacher, VVD*
- Frans Timmermans, P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten*
- Agnes Jongerius, P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten*
- Kati Piri, P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten*
- Paul Tang, P.v.d.A/Europese Sociaaldemocraten
- Vera Tax, P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten
- Mohammed Chahim, P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten*
- Peter van Dalen, ChristenUnie-SGP*
- Bert-Jan Ruissen, ChristenUnie-SGP*
- Bas Eickhout, GROENLINKS*
- Tineke Strik, GROENLINKS*
- Kim van Sparrentak, GROENLINKS*
- Anja Hazekamp, Partij voor de dieren*
- Toine Manders, 50PLUS*
- Derk Jan Eppink, Forum voor Democratie*
- Thierry Baudet, Forum voor Democratie*
- Rob Roos, Forum voor Democratie*
Once it has been determined that a particular candidate was elected, the European Parliament assesses whether this candidate may hold a seat as a member of the European Parliament, since not all positions held by candidates can be reconciled with membership of the European Parliament. Moreover, candidates have the possibility to decline their appointment.
Preference threshold
Of the 36 candidates who passed the preference threshold and have been elected, 7 have been elected by ending higher than their position in the list of candidates. While 13 other candidates passed the preference threshold, they will not be allocated a seat, as an insufficient number of seats is allocated to the lists they were included in. It concerns the following candidates: mr Boucke (D66), mr Groothuis (VVD), mrs Haga (ChristenUnie-SGP), mrs Klok and mrs Van Nistelrooij (GROENLINKS), mrs Van der Kleij (50PLUS), mr De Graaff and mr Wilders (PVV,) mr Hoekstra and mrs Visscher (SP), mr Tonca (DENK), and mr Van Lanschot and mrs Vogels (Volt Nederland).